Piyushi Manupriya

CSE, Indian Institute of Technology - Hyderabad

I am a PhD candidate at IIT Hyderabad. I worked on Improving Optimal Transport using Kernel Methods under Prof. J. Saketha Nath. I am currently moving to problems in Fairness & Stochastic-MAB. I am kindly supported by the Google PhD Fellowship. Link to my CV. I aspire to be an ML theoretician and to work in AI for healthcare.

The environmentalist in me is interested in developing theory-backed methods for distilling large models. I am fascinated by the algorithmic approaches for ML-interpretability and Differential Privacy. I am thankful to Prof. Vineeth N Balasubramanian, under whom I worked on Explainable ML during my Masters at IIT-H. During my undergrad at NIT-UK, I was an awardee of the IASc-NASI-INSA Summer Research Fellowship at ISI, Kolkata.

Highlights "Transire suum pectus mundoque potiri"
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